You have the power to create a joyful future that enlivens you - your purpose.
Our work together will take you on a journey of discovery of your passions and divine gifts, providing tools for you to eliminate the barriers and obstacles to achieving your dreams.
My Philosophy
Science and technology are advancing at an amazing rate. The pace of life has also quickened, and individual wealth has grown, along with our appetites for the trappings of success. These external rewards have provided the illusion of progress, but have left a deep emptiness within. As we move faster and suffer from related stress and anxiety, we find ourselves looking beyond our normal perspectives into the unknown. We can see our externally oriented society is not taking us where we want to go. A new outfit, car, or home will not fill the void we find within ourselves.
- Phillip + Jane Mountrose

Me - Spring
I began my career in nonprofits serving the homeless & people with HIV/AIDS. Somehow that transitioned into a successful 30 year career in human resources, serving leaders and teams by listening deeply and compassionately, coaching them to uncover the answers. I believe that our answers are within and all we need sometimes is a guide to help us, a sherpa of sorts.
Simultaneously I have been a spiritual and life coach, helping people cope with the day-to-day challenges of living from a spiritual, nonreligious foundation. This has included initiation in several spiritual paths, most recently bhakti yoga, the yoga of devotion and service.
As an HR leader, at times I found that I did not have the skills to help people really transform themselves, to let go of ways of being that were holding them back from progress. So I returned to studying, with a focus on transformative hypnotherapy and began to coach privately and on the job, using these new skills.
Certified Consulting Hypnotist. Member, National Guild of Hypnotists
NLP Practitioner
Mental Fitness Coach
What you can expect working with me:
Happier and healthier relationships
Relief from anxiety
Immediate and sustained improvement in your well-being and performance
Deep fulfillment from alignment with your purpose
Respond to the world from your wisest Self
Living your best life means you are not simply surviving, but thriving. In other words, you can more than exist. It means taking care of yourself so you can be your best - not only serving yourself, but serving others. Living your best aligns your body-mind-spirit with the greater whole, for the good of you and all. In turn, you become a creator, not just a survivor, which becomes your legacy to have an impact on the world.
- Phillip + Jane Mountrose
Holistic Coaching
Holistic coaching incorporates the best available techniques for mental and emotional exploration and transformation that are possible without using hypnosis. It includes the integration of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing, serving the needs of the whole person.
A Holistic Coach is a person who is on the path to soulfully creating a magical, balanced, and fulfilling life, who partners with others who want to do the same. He or she takes joy in clients’ uniqueness, listens closely to help them to explore their greatest joy and excitement, and motivates them to make their dreams a reality. This is spirituality at its best!
A Holistic Coach enhances clients’ abilities to access and use their key strengths and purpose to intentionally design their lives. This approach brings the lofty realms of spirit down to earth. It can be broadly applied to different occupations and coaching needs, because it focuses on creating a whole life.
This holistic/spiritual approach also connects us with the miraculous nature of our reality, where anything is possible and miracles are happening all around us. Such transformational coaching requires us to be open, flexible learners. We need to step outside our comfort zone, which is where we are now, to do things differently and thus create different results.
In pursuit of these goals, we explore numerous healing modalities, tailoring the experience to your needs, your goals, and what works for you in reaching them.